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Ani React Theme

Ani React is a responsive and multipurpose admin template comes with several plugins, widgets, custom panels. Built using React, Bootstrap4 and Redux.


Also available in other frameworks :
Version v 0.1.0
Last Modified October 22, 2024
Total Sales 1
Layout Fluid, Responsive
Browser Chrome, Firefox, Opera
Categories Admin, Multi Pages
Ani React Theme

Template Features

  • RTL Support
  • i18
  • Built on latest bootstrap (v4.3.1)
  • Bootstrapped with Create React App
  • Code Splitting
  • ESLint Implementation
  • React Router DOM
  • Fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers
  • Vertical Layout with different sidebar themes including default, light, dark
  • Detached Sidebar Layout


  • Button
  • Dropdown
  • Icon
  • Card
  • Progressbars
  • Pagination
  • Charts
  • Table
Ani React Theme


Ani React Theme

  • ● @babel/core: 7.4.3
  • ● @svgr/webpack: 4.1.0
  • ● @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin: 1.6.0
  • ● @typescript-eslint/parser: 1.6.0
  • ● animate.css: ^3.7.0
  • ● babel-eslint: 10.0.1
  • ● babel-jest: ^24.8.0
  • ● babel-loader: 8.0.5
  • ● babel-plugin-named-asset-import: ^0.3.2
  • ● babel-preset-react-app: ^9.0.0
  • ● bootstrap: ^4.3.1
  • ● camelcase: ^5.2.0
  • ● case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin: 2.2.0
  • ● chart.js: ^2.8.0
  • ● css-loader: 2.1.1
  • ● dotenv: 6.2.0
  • ● dotenv-expand: 4.2.0
  • ● draft-js: ^0.10.5
  • ● eslint: ^5.16.0
  • ● eslint-config-react-app: ^4.0.1
  • ● eslint-loader: 2.1.2
  • ● eslint-plugin-flowtype: 2.50.1
  • ● eslint-plugin-import: 2.16.0
  • ● eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y: 6.2.1
  • ● eslint-plugin-react: 7.12.4
  • ● eslint-plugin-react-hooks: ^1.5.0
  • ● file-loader: 3.0.1
  • ● font-awesome: ^4.7.0
  • ● font-awesome-sass: ^4.7.0
  • ● fs-extra: 7.0.1
  • ● html-webpack-plugin: 4.0.0-beta.5
  • ● i18next: ^15.1.1
  • ● i18next-browser-languagedetector: ^3.0.1
  • ● identity-obj-proxy: 3.0.0
  • ● is-wsl: ^1.1.0
  • ● jest: 24.7.1
  • ● jest-environment-jsdom-fourteen: 0.1.0
  • ● jest-resolve: 24.7.1
  • ● jest-watch-typeahead: 0.3.0
  • ● mini-css-extract-plugin: 0.5.0
  • ● node-sass: ^4.12.0
  • ● optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin: 5.0.1
  • ● pnp-webpack-plugin: 1.2.1
  • ● postcss-flexbugs-fixes: 4.1.0
  • ● postcss-loader: 3.0.0
  • ● postcss-normalize: 7.0.1
  • ● postcss-preset-env: 6.6.0
  • ● postcss-safe-parser: 4.0.1
  • ● rc-calendar: ^9.14.5
  • ● rc-select: ^9.1.3
  • ● react: ^16.8.6
  • ● react-app-polyfill: ^1.0.1
  • ● react-bootstrap: ^1.0.0-beta.8
  • ● react-bootstrap-table: ^4.3.1
  • ● react-c3js: ^0.1.20
  • ● react-datepicker: ^2.5.0
  • ● react-dev-utils: ^9.0.1
  • ● react-dom: ^16.8.6
  • ● react-draft-wysiwyg: ^1.13.2
  • ● react-highlight: ^0.12.0
  • ● react-i18next: ^9.0.10
  • ● react-intl: ^2.8.0
  • ● react-no-ssr: ^1.1.0
  • ● react-router-dom: ^5.0.1
  • ● react-scrollable-feed: ^1.0.3
  • ● recharts: ^1.6.0
  • ● resolve: 1.10.0
  • ● sass-loader: 7.1.0
  • ● semver: 6.0.0
  • ● style-loader: 0.23.1
  • ● terser-webpack-plugin: 1.2.3
  • ● ts-pnp: 1.1.2
  • ● url-loader: 1.1.2
  • ● webpack: 4.29.6
  • ● webpack-dev-server: 3.2.1
  • ● webpack-manifest-plugin: 2.0.4
  • ● workbox-webpack-plugin: 4.2.0